var SWFUpload; var swfobject; if (SWFUpload == undefined) { SWFUpload = function (settings) { this.initSWFUpload(settings); }; } SWFUpload.prototype.initSWFUpload = function (userSettings) { try { this.customSettings = {}; this.settings = {}; this.eventQueue = []; this.movieName = "SWFUpload_" + SWFUpload.movieCount++; this.movieElement = null; SWFUpload.instances[this.movieName] = this; this.initSettings(userSettings); this.loadSupport(); if (this.swfuploadPreload()) { this.loadFlash(); } this.displayDebugInfo(); } catch (ex) { delete SWFUpload.instances[this.movieName]; throw ex; } }; SWFUpload.instances = {}; SWFUpload.movieCount = 0; SWFUpload.version = "2.5.0 2010-01-15 Beta 2"; SWFUpload.QUEUE_ERROR = { QUEUE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: -100, FILE_EXCEEDS_SIZE_LIMIT: -110, ZERO_BYTE_FILE: -120, INVALID_FILETYPE: -130 }; SWFUpload.UPLOAD_ERROR = { HTTP_ERROR: -200, MISSING_UPLOAD_URL: -210, IO_ERROR: -220, SECURITY_ERROR: -230, UPLOAD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: -240, UPLOAD_FAILED: -250, SPECIFIED_FILE_ID_NOT_FOUND: -260, FILE_VALIDATION_FAILED: -270, FILE_CANCELLED: -280, UPLOAD_STOPPED: -290, RESIZE: -300 }; SWFUpload.FILE_STATUS = { QUEUED: -1, IN_PROGRESS: -2, ERROR: -3, COMPLETE: -4, CANCELLED: -5 }; SWFUpload.UPLOAD_TYPE = { NORMAL: -1, RESIZED: -2 }; SWFUpload.BUTTON_ACTION = { SELECT_FILE: -100, SELECT_FILES: -110, START_UPLOAD: -120, JAVASCRIPT: -130, NONE: -130 }; SWFUpload.CURSOR = { ARROW: -1, HAND: -2 }; SWFUpload.WINDOW_MODE = { WINDOW: "window", TRANSPARENT: "transparent", OPAQUE: "opaque" }; SWFUpload.RESIZE_ENCODING = { JPEG: -1, PNG: -2 }; SWFUpload.completeURL = function (url) { try { var path = "", indexSlash = -1; if (typeof (url) !== "string" || url.match(/^https?:\/\//i) || url.match(/^\//) || url === "") { return url; } indexSlash = window.location.pathname.lastIndexOf("/"); if (indexSlash <= 0) { path = "/"; } else { path = window.location.pathname.substr(0, indexSlash) + "/"; } return path + url; } catch (ex) { return url; } }; SWFUpload.onload = function () { }; SWFUpload.prototype.initSettings = function (userSettings) { this.ensureDefault = function (settingName, defaultValue) { var setting = userSettings[settingName]; if (setting != undefined) { this.settings[settingName] = setting; } else { this.settings[settingName] = defaultValue; } }; this.ensureDefault("upload_url", ""); this.ensureDefault("preserve_relative_urls", false); this.ensureDefault("file_post_name", "Filedata"); this.ensureDefault("post_params", {}); this.ensureDefault("use_query_string", false); this.ensureDefault("requeue_on_error", false); this.ensureDefault("http_success", []); this.ensureDefault("assume_success_timeout", 0); this.ensureDefault("file_types", "*.*"); this.ensureDefault("file_types_description", "All Files"); this.ensureDefault("file_size_limit", 0); this.ensureDefault("file_upload_limit", 0); this.ensureDefault("file_queue_limit", 0); this.ensureDefault("flash_url", "swfupload.swf"); this.ensureDefault("flash9_url", "swfupload_fp9.swf"); this.ensureDefault("prevent_swf_caching", true); this.ensureDefault("button_image_url", ""); this.ensureDefault("button_width", 1); this.ensureDefault("button_height", 1); this.ensureDefault("button_text", ""); this.ensureDefault("button_text_style", "color: #000000; font-size: 16pt;"); this.ensureDefault("button_text_top_padding", 0); this.ensureDefault("button_text_left_padding", 0); this.ensureDefault("button_action", SWFUpload.BUTTON_ACTION.SELECT_FILES); this.ensureDefault("button_disabled", false); this.ensureDefault("button_placeholder_id", ""); this.ensureDefault("button_placeholder", null); this.ensureDefault("button_cursor", SWFUpload.CURSOR.ARROW); this.ensureDefault("button_window_mode", SWFUpload.WINDOW_MODE.WINDOW); this.ensureDefault("debug", false); this.settings.debug_enabled = this.settings.debug; this.settings.return_upload_start_handler = this.returnUploadStart; this.ensureDefault("swfupload_preload_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("swfupload_load_failed_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("swfupload_loaded_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("file_dialog_start_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("file_queued_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("file_queue_error_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("file_dialog_complete_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("upload_resize_start_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("upload_start_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("upload_progress_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("upload_error_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("upload_success_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("upload_complete_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("mouse_click_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("mouse_out_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("mouse_over_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("ntlmUpload", false); this.ensureDefault("debug_handler", this.debugMessage); this.ensureDefault("custom_settings", {}); this.customSettings = this.settings.custom_settings; if (!!this.settings.prevent_swf_caching) { this.settings.flash_url = this.settings.flash_url + (this.settings.flash_url.indexOf("?") < 0 ? "?" : "&") + "preventswfcaching=" + new Date().getTime(); this.settings.flash9_url = this.settings.flash9_url + (this.settings.flash9_url.indexOf("?") < 0 ? "?" : "&") + "preventswfcaching=" + new Date().getTime(); } if (!this.settings.preserve_relative_urls) { this.settings.upload_url = SWFUpload.completeURL(this.settings.upload_url); this.settings.button_image_url = SWFUpload.completeURL(this.settings.button_image_url); } delete this.ensureDefault; }; SWFUpload.prototype.loadSupport = function () { = { loading: swfobject.hasFlashPlayerVersion("9.0.28"), imageResize: swfobject.hasFlashPlayerVersion("10.0.0") }; }; SWFUpload.prototype.loadFlash = function () { var targetElement, tempParent, wrapperType, flashHTML, els; if (! { this.queueEvent("swfupload_load_failed_handler", ["Flash Player doesn't support SWFUpload"]); return; } if (document.getElementById(this.movieName) !== null) { = false; this.queueEvent("swfupload_load_failed_handler", ["Element ID already in use"]); return; } targetElement = document.getElementById(this.settings.button_placeholder_id) || this.settings.button_placeholder; if (targetElement == undefined) { = false; this.queueEvent("swfupload_load_failed_handler", ["button place holder not found"]); return; } wrapperType = (targetElement.currentStyle && targetElement.currentStyle["display"] || window.getComputedStyle && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(targetElement, null) && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(targetElement, null).getPropertyValue("display")) !== "block" ? "span" : "div"; tempParent = document.createElement(wrapperType); flashHTML = this.getFlashHTML(); try { tempParent.innerHTML = flashHTML; } catch (ex) { = false; this.queueEvent("swfupload_load_failed_handler", ["Exception loading Flash HTML into placeholder"]); return; } els = tempParent.getElementsByTagName("object"); if (!els || els.length > 1 || els.length === 0) { = false; this.queueEvent("swfupload_load_failed_handler", ["Unable to find movie after adding to DOM"]); return; } else if (els.length === 1) { this.movieElement = els[0]; } targetElement.parentNode.replaceChild(tempParent.firstChild, targetElement); if (window[this.movieName] == undefined) { window[this.movieName] = this.getMovieElement(); } }; SWFUpload.prototype.getFlashHTML = function (flashVersion) { if (navigator && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 9.0") > 0) { return ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''].join(""); } return ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''].join(""); }; SWFUpload.prototype.getFlashVars = function () { var httpSuccessString, paramString; paramString = this.buildParamString(); httpSuccessString = this.settings.http_success.join(","); return ["movieName=", encodeURIComponent(this.movieName), "&uploadURL=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.upload_url), "&useQueryString=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.use_query_string), "&requeueOnError=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.requeue_on_error), "&httpSuccess=", encodeURIComponent(httpSuccessString), "&assumeSuccessTimeout=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.assume_success_timeout), "&params=", encodeURIComponent(paramString), "&filePostName=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.file_post_name), "&fileTypes=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.file_types), "&fileTypesDescription=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.file_types_description), "&fileSizeLimit=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.file_size_limit), "&fileUploadLimit=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.file_upload_limit), "&fileQueueLimit=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.file_queue_limit), "&debugEnabled=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.debug_enabled), "&buttonImageURL=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.button_image_url), "&buttonWidth=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.button_width), "&buttonHeight=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.button_height), "&buttonText=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.button_text), "&buttonTextTopPadding=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.button_text_top_padding), "&buttonTextLeftPadding=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.button_text_left_padding), "&buttonTextStyle=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.button_text_style), "&buttonAction=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.button_action), "&buttonDisabled=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.button_disabled), "&buttonCursor=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.button_cursor), "&NtlmUpload=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.ntlmUpload)].join(""); }; SWFUpload.prototype.getMovieElement = function () { if (this.movieElement == undefined) { this.movieElement = document.getElementById(this.movieName); } if (this.movieElement === null) { throw "Could not find Flash element"; } return this.movieElement; }; SWFUpload.prototype.buildParamString = function () { var name, postParams, paramStringPairs = []; postParams = this.settings.post_params; if (typeof (postParams) === "object") { for (name in postParams) { if (postParams.hasOwnProperty(name)) { paramStringPairs.push(encodeURIComponent(name.toString()) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(postParams[name].toString())); } } } return paramStringPairs.join("&"); }; SWFUpload.prototype.destroy = function () { var movieElement; try { this.cancelUpload(null, false); movieElement = this.cleanUp(); if (movieElement) { try { movieElement.parentNode.removeChild(movieElement); } catch (ex) { } } window[this.movieName] = null; SWFUpload.instances[this.movieName] = null; delete SWFUpload.instances[this.movieName]; this.movieElement = null; this.settings = null; this.customSettings = null; this.eventQueue = null; this.movieName = null; return true; } catch (ex2) { return false; } }; SWFUpload.prototype.displayDebugInfo = function () { this.debug(["---SWFUpload Instance Info---\n", "Version: ", SWFUpload.version, "\n", "Movie Name: ", this.movieName, "\n", "Settings:\n", "\t", "upload_url: ", this.settings.upload_url, "\n", "\t", "flash_url: ", this.settings.flash_url, "\n", "\t", "flash9_url: ", this.settings.flash9_url, "\n", "\t", "use_query_string: ", this.settings.use_query_string.toString(), "\n", "\t", "requeue_on_error: ", this.settings.requeue_on_error.toString(), "\n", "\t", "http_success: ", this.settings.http_success.join(", "), "\n", "\t", "assume_success_timeout: ", this.settings.assume_success_timeout, "\n", "\t", "file_post_name: ", this.settings.file_post_name, "\n", "\t", "post_params: ", this.settings.post_params.toString(), "\n", "\t", "file_types: ", this.settings.file_types, "\n", "\t", "file_types_description: ", this.settings.file_types_description, "\n", "\t", "file_size_limit: ", this.settings.file_size_limit, "\n", "\t", "file_upload_limit: ", this.settings.file_upload_limit, "\n", "\t", "file_queue_limit: ", this.settings.file_queue_limit, "\n", "\t", "debug: ", this.settings.debug.toString(), "\n", "\t", "prevent_swf_caching: ", this.settings.prevent_swf_caching.toString(), "\n", "\t", "button_placeholder_id: ", this.settings.button_placeholder_id.toString(), "\n", "\t", "button_placeholder: ", (this.settings.button_placeholder ? "Set" : "Not Set"), "\n", "\t", "button_image_url: ", this.settings.button_image_url.toString(), "\n", "\t", "button_width: ", this.settings.button_width.toString(), "\n", "\t", "button_height: ", this.settings.button_height.toString(), "\n", "\t", "button_text: ", this.settings.button_text.toString(), "\n", "\t", "button_text_style: ", this.settings.button_text_style.toString(), "\n", "\t", "button_text_top_padding: ", this.settings.button_text_top_padding.toString(), "\n", "\t", "button_text_left_padding: ", this.settings.button_text_left_padding.toString(), "\n", "\t", "button_action: ", this.settings.button_action.toString(), "\n", "\t", "button_cursor: ", this.settings.button_cursor.toString(), "\n", "\t", "button_disabled: ", this.settings.button_disabled.toString(), "\n", "\t", "custom_settings: ", this.settings.custom_settings.toString(), "\n", "Event Handlers:\n", "\t", "swfupload_preload_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.swfupload_preload_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "swfupload_load_failed_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.swfupload_load_failed_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "swfupload_loaded_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.swfupload_loaded_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "mouse_click_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.mouse_click_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "mouse_over_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.mouse_over_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "mouse_out_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.mouse_out_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "file_dialog_start_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.file_dialog_start_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "file_queued_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.file_queued_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "file_queue_error_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.file_queue_error_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "upload_resize_start_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.upload_resize_start_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "upload_start_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.upload_start_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "upload_progress_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.upload_progress_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "upload_error_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.upload_error_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "upload_success_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.upload_success_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "upload_complete_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.upload_complete_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "debug_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.debug_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "Support:\n", "\t", "Load: ", ( ? "Yes" : "No"), "\n", "\t", "Image Resize: ", ( ? "Yes" : "No"), "\n"].join("")); }; SWFUpload.prototype.addSetting = function (name, value, default_value) { if (value == undefined) { return (this.settings[name] = default_value); } else { return (this.settings[name] = value); } }; SWFUpload.prototype.getSetting = function (name) { if (this.settings[name] != undefined) { return this.settings[name]; } return ""; }; SWFUpload.prototype.callFlash = function (functionName, argumentArray) { var movieElement, returnValue, returnString; argumentArray = argumentArray || []; movieElement = this.getMovieElement(); try { if (movieElement != undefined) { returnString = movieElement.CallFunction('' + __flash__argumentsToXML(argumentArray, 0) + ''); returnValue = eval(returnString); } else { this.debug("Can't call flash because the movie wasn't found."); } } catch (ex) { this.debug("Exception calling flash function '" + functionName + "': " + ex.message); } if (returnValue != undefined && typeof === "object") { returnValue = this.unescapeFilePostParams(returnValue); } return returnValue; }; SWFUpload.prototype.selectFile = function () { this.callFlash("SelectFile"); }; SWFUpload.prototype.selectFiles = function () { this.callFlash("SelectFiles"); }; SWFUpload.prototype.startUpload = function (fileID) { this.callFlash("StartUpload", [fileID]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.startResizedUpload = function (fileID, width, height, encoding, quality, allowEnlarging) { this.callFlash("StartUpload", [fileID, { "width": width, "height": height, "encoding": encoding, "quality": quality, "allowEnlarging": allowEnlarging } ]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.cancelUpload = function (fileID, triggerErrorEvent) { if (triggerErrorEvent !== false) { triggerErrorEvent = true; } this.callFlash("CancelUpload", [fileID, triggerErrorEvent]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.stopUpload = function () { this.callFlash("StopUpload"); }; SWFUpload.prototype.requeueUpload = function (indexOrFileID) { return this.callFlash("RequeueUpload", [indexOrFileID]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.getStats = function () { return this.callFlash("GetStats"); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setStats = function (statsObject) { this.callFlash("SetStats", [statsObject]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.getFile = function (fileID) { if (typeof (fileID) === "number") { return this.callFlash("GetFileByIndex", [fileID]); } else { return this.callFlash("GetFile", [fileID]); } }; SWFUpload.prototype.getQueueFile = function (fileID) { if (typeof (fileID) === "number") { return this.callFlash("GetFileByQueueIndex", [fileID]); } else { return this.callFlash("GetFile", [fileID]); } }; SWFUpload.prototype.addFileParam = function (fileID, name, value) { return this.callFlash("AddFileParam", [fileID, name, value]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.removeFileParam = function (fileID, name) { this.callFlash("RemoveFileParam", [fileID, name]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setUploadURL = function (url) { this.settings.upload_url = url.toString(); this.callFlash("SetUploadURL", [url]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setPostParams = function (paramsObject) { this.settings.post_params = paramsObject; this.callFlash("SetPostParams", [paramsObject]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.addPostParam = function (name, value) { this.settings.post_params[name] = value; this.callFlash("SetPostParams", [this.settings.post_params]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.removePostParam = function (name) { delete this.settings.post_params[name]; this.callFlash("SetPostParams", [this.settings.post_params]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setFileTypes = function (types, description) { this.settings.file_types = types; this.settings.file_types_description = description; this.callFlash("SetFileTypes", [types, description]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setFileSizeLimit = function (fileSizeLimit) { this.settings.file_size_limit = fileSizeLimit; this.callFlash("SetFileSizeLimit", [fileSizeLimit]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setFileUploadLimit = function (fileUploadLimit) { this.settings.file_upload_limit = fileUploadLimit; this.callFlash("SetFileUploadLimit", [fileUploadLimit]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setFileQueueLimit = function (fileQueueLimit) { this.settings.file_queue_limit = fileQueueLimit; this.callFlash("SetFileQueueLimit", [fileQueueLimit]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setFilePostName = function (filePostName) { this.settings.file_post_name = filePostName; this.callFlash("SetFilePostName", [filePostName]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setUseQueryString = function (useQueryString) { this.settings.use_query_string = useQueryString; this.callFlash("SetUseQueryString", [useQueryString]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setRequeueOnError = function (requeueOnError) { this.settings.requeue_on_error = requeueOnError; this.callFlash("SetRequeueOnError", [requeueOnError]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setHTTPSuccess = function (http_status_codes) { if (typeof http_status_codes === "string") { http_status_codes = http_status_codes.replace(" ", "").split(","); } this.settings.http_success = http_status_codes; this.callFlash("SetHTTPSuccess", [http_status_codes]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setAssumeSuccessTimeout = function (timeout_seconds) { this.settings.assume_success_timeout = timeout_seconds; this.callFlash("SetAssumeSuccessTimeout", [timeout_seconds]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setDebugEnabled = function (debugEnabled) { this.settings.debug_enabled = debugEnabled; this.callFlash("SetDebugEnabled", [debugEnabled]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setButtonImageURL = function (buttonImageURL) { if (buttonImageURL == undefined) { buttonImageURL = ""; } this.settings.button_image_url = buttonImageURL; this.callFlash("SetButtonImageURL", [buttonImageURL]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setButtonDimensions = function (width, height) { this.settings.button_width = width; this.settings.button_height = height; var movie = this.getMovieElement(); if (movie != undefined) { = width + "px"; = height + "px"; } this.callFlash("SetButtonDimensions", [width, height]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setButtonText = function (html) { this.settings.button_text = html; this.callFlash("SetButtonText", [html]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setButtonTextPadding = function (left, top) { this.settings.button_text_top_padding = top; this.settings.button_text_left_padding = left; this.callFlash("SetButtonTextPadding", [left, top]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setButtonTextStyle = function (css) { this.settings.button_text_style = css; this.callFlash("SetButtonTextStyle", [css]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setButtonDisabled = function (isDisabled) { this.settings.button_disabled = isDisabled; this.callFlash("SetButtonDisabled", [isDisabled]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setButtonAction = function (buttonAction) { this.settings.button_action = buttonAction; this.callFlash("SetButtonAction", [buttonAction]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setButtonCursor = function (cursor) { this.settings.button_cursor = cursor; this.callFlash("SetButtonCursor", [cursor]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.queueEvent = function (handlerName, argumentArray) { var self = this; if (argumentArray == undefined) { argumentArray = []; } else if (!(argumentArray instanceof Array)) { argumentArray = [argumentArray]; } if (typeof this.settings[handlerName] === "function") { this.eventQueue.push(function () { this.settings[handlerName].apply(this, argumentArray); }); setTimeout(function () { self.executeNextEvent(); }, 0); } else if (this.settings[handlerName] !== null) { throw "Event handler " + handlerName + " is unknown or is not a function"; } }; SWFUpload.prototype.executeNextEvent = function () { var f = this.eventQueue ? this.eventQueue.shift() : null; if (typeof (f) === "function") { f.apply(this); } }; SWFUpload.prototype.unescapeFilePostParams = function (file) { var reg = /[$]([0-9a-f]{4})/i, unescapedPost = {}, uk, k, match; if (file != undefined) { for (k in { if ( { uk = k; while ((match = reg.exec(uk)) !== null) { uk = uk.replace(match[0], String.fromCharCode(parseInt("0x" + match[1], 16))); } unescapedPost[uk] =[k]; } } = unescapedPost; } return file; }; SWFUpload.prototype.swfuploadPreload = function () { var returnValue; if (typeof this.settings.swfupload_preload_handler === "function") { returnValue =; } else if (this.settings.swfupload_preload_handler != undefined) { throw "upload_start_handler must be a function"; } if (returnValue === undefined) { returnValue = true; } return !!returnValue; } SWFUpload.prototype.flashReady = function () { var movieElement = this.cleanUp(); if (!movieElement) { this.debug("Flash called back ready but the flash movie can't be found."); return; } this.queueEvent("swfupload_loaded_handler"); }; SWFUpload.prototype.cleanUp = function () { var key, movieElement = this.getMovieElement(); try { if (movieElement && typeof (movieElement.CallFunction) === "unknown") { this.debug("Removing Flash functions hooks (this should only run in IE and should prevent memory leaks)"); for (key in movieElement) { try { if (typeof (movieElement[key]) === "function") { movieElement[key] = null; } } catch (ex) { } } } } catch (ex1) { } window["__flash__removeCallback"] = function (instance, name) { try { if (instance) { instance[name] = null; } } catch (flashEx) { } }; return movieElement; }; SWFUpload.prototype.mouseClick = function () { this.queueEvent("mouse_click_handler"); }; SWFUpload.prototype.mouseOver = function () { this.queueEvent("mouse_over_handler"); }; SWFUpload.prototype.mouseOut = function () { this.queueEvent("mouse_out_handler"); }; SWFUpload.prototype.fileDialogStart = function () { this.queueEvent("file_dialog_start_handler"); }; SWFUpload.prototype.fileQueued = function (file) { file = this.unescapeFilePostParams(file); this.queueEvent("file_queued_handler", file); }; SWFUpload.prototype.fileQueueError = function (file, errorCode, message) { file = this.unescapeFilePostParams(file); this.queueEvent("file_queue_error_handler", [file, errorCode, message]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.fileDialogComplete = function (numFilesSelected, numFilesQueued, numFilesInQueue) { this.queueEvent("file_dialog_complete_handler", [numFilesSelected, numFilesQueued, numFilesInQueue]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.uploadResizeStart = function (file, resizeSettings) { file = this.unescapeFilePostParams(file); this.queueEvent("upload_resize_start_handler", [file, resizeSettings.width, resizeSettings.height, resizeSettings.encoding, resizeSettings.quality]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.uploadStart = function (file) { file = this.unescapeFilePostParams(file); this.queueEvent("return_upload_start_handler", file); }; SWFUpload.prototype.returnUploadStart = function (file) { var returnValue; if (typeof this.settings.upload_start_handler === "function") { file = this.unescapeFilePostParams(file); returnValue =, file); } else if (this.settings.upload_start_handler != undefined) { throw "upload_start_handler must be a function"; } if (returnValue === undefined) { returnValue = true; } returnValue = !!returnValue; this.callFlash("ReturnUploadStart", [returnValue]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.uploadProgress = function (file, bytesComplete, bytesTotal) { file = this.unescapeFilePostParams(file); this.queueEvent("upload_progress_handler", [file, bytesComplete, bytesTotal]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.uploadError = function (file, errorCode, message) { file = this.unescapeFilePostParams(file); this.queueEvent("upload_error_handler", [file, errorCode, message]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.uploadSuccess = function (file, serverData, responseReceived) { file = this.unescapeFilePostParams(file); this.queueEvent("upload_success_handler", [file, serverData, responseReceived]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.uploadComplete = function (file) { file = this.unescapeFilePostParams(file); this.queueEvent("upload_complete_handler", file); }; SWFUpload.prototype.debug = function (message) { this.queueEvent("debug_handler", message); }; SWFUpload.prototype.debugMessage = function (message) { var exceptionMessage, exceptionValues, key; if (this.settings.debug) { exceptionValues = []; if (typeof message === "object" && typeof === "string" && typeof message.message === "string") { for (key in message) { if (message.hasOwnProperty(key)) { exceptionValues.push(key + ": " + message[key]); } } exceptionMessage = exceptionValues.join("\n") || ""; exceptionValues = exceptionMessage.split("\n"); exceptionMessage = "EXCEPTION: " + exceptionValues.join("\nEXCEPTION: "); SWFUpload.Console.writeLine(exceptionMessage); } else { SWFUpload.Console.writeLine(message); } } }; SWFUpload.Console = {}; SWFUpload.Console.writeLine = function (message) { var console, documentForm; try { console = document.getElementById("SWFUpload_Console"); if (!console) { documentForm = document.createElement("form"); document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(documentForm); console = document.createElement("textarea"); = "SWFUpload_Console"; = "monospace"; console.setAttribute("wrap", "off"); console.wrap = "off"; = "auto"; = "700px"; = "350px"; = "5px"; documentForm.appendChild(console); } console.value += message + "\n"; console.scrollTop = console.scrollHeight - console.clientHeight; } catch (ex) { alert("Exception: " + + " Message: " + ex.message); } }; swfobject = function () { var D = "undefined", r = "object", S = "Shockwave Flash", W = "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash", q = "application/x-shockwave-flash", R = "SWFObjectExprInst", x = "onreadystatechange", O = window, j = document, t = navigator, T = false, U = [h], o = [], N = [], I = [], l, Q, E, B, J = false, a = false, n, G, m = true, M = function () { var aa = typeof j.getElementById != D && typeof j.getElementsByTagName != D && typeof j.createElement != D, ah = t.userAgent.toLowerCase(), Y = t.platform.toLowerCase(), ae = Y ? /win/.test(Y) : /win/.test(ah), ac = Y ? /mac/.test(Y) : /mac/.test(ah), af = /webkit/.test(ah) ? parseFloat(ah.replace(/^.*webkit\/(\d+(\.\d+)?).*$/, "$1")) : false, X = ! +"\v1", ag = [0, 0, 0], ab = null; if (typeof t.plugins != D && typeof t.plugins[S] == r) { ab = t.plugins[S].description; if (ab && !(typeof t.mimeTypes != D && t.mimeTypes[q] && !t.mimeTypes[q].enabledPlugin)) { T = true; X = false; ab = ab.replace(/^.*\s+(\S+\s+\S+$)/, "$1"); ag[0] = parseInt(ab.replace(/^(.*)\..*$/, "$1"), 10); ag[1] = parseInt(ab.replace(/^.*\.(.*)\s.*$/, "$1"), 10); ag[2] = /[a-zA-Z]/.test(ab) ? parseInt(ab.replace(/^.*[a-zA-Z]+(.*)$/, "$1"), 10) : 0 } } else { if (typeof O.ActiveXObject != D) { try { var ad = new ActiveXObject(W); if (ad) { ab = ad.GetVariable("$version"); if (ab) { X = true; ab = ab.split(" ")[1].split(","); ag = [parseInt(ab[0], 10), parseInt(ab[1], 10), parseInt(ab[2], 10)] } } } catch (Z) { } } } return { w3: aa, pv: ag, wk: af, ie: X, win: ae, mac: ac } } (), k = function () { if (!M.w3) { return } if ((typeof j.readyState != D && j.readyState == "complete") || (typeof j.readyState == D && (j.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] || j.body))) { f() } if (!J) { if (typeof j.addEventListener != D) { j.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", f, false) } if ( && { j.attachEvent(x, function () { if (j.readyState == "complete") { j.detachEvent(x, arguments.callee); f() } }); if (O == top) { (function () { if (J) { return } try { j.documentElement.doScroll("left") } catch (X) { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0); return } f() })() } } if (M.wk) { (function () { if (J) { return } if (!/loaded|complete/.test(j.readyState)) { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0); return } f() })() } s(f) } } (); function f() { if (J) { return } try { var Z = j.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(C("span")); Z.parentNode.removeChild(Z) } catch (aa) { return } J = true; var X = U.length; for (var Y = 0; Y < X; Y++) { U[Y]() } } function K(X) { if (J) { X() } else { U[U.length] = X } } function s(Y) { if (typeof O.addEventListener != D) { O.addEventListener("load", Y, false) } else { if (typeof j.addEventListener != D) { j.addEventListener("load", Y, false) } else { if (typeof O.attachEvent != D) { i(O, "onload", Y) } else { if (typeof O.onload == "function") { var X = O.onload; O.onload = function () { X(); Y() } } else { O.onload = Y } } } } } function h() { if (T) { V() } else { H() } } function V() { var X = j.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; var aa = C(r); aa.setAttribute("type", q); var Z = X.appendChild(aa); if (Z) { var Y = 0; (function () { if (typeof Z.GetVariable != D) { var ab = Z.GetVariable("$version"); if (ab) { ab = ab.split(" ")[1].split(","); M.pv = [parseInt(ab[0], 10), parseInt(ab[1], 10), parseInt(ab[2], 10)] } } else { if (Y < 10) { Y++; setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10); return } } X.removeChild(aa); Z = null; H() })() } else { H() } } function H() { var ag = o.length; if (ag > 0) { for (var af = 0; af < ag; af++) { var Y = o[af].id; var ab = o[af].callbackFn; var aa = { success: false, id: Y }; if (M.pv[0] > 0) { var ae = c(Y); if (ae) { if (F(o[af].swfVersion) && !(M.wk && M.wk < 312)) { w(Y, true); if (ab) { aa.success = true; aa.ref = z(Y); ab(aa) } } else { if (o[af].expressInstall && A()) { var ai = {}; = o[af].expressInstall; ai.width = ae.getAttribute("width") || "0"; ai.height = ae.getAttribute("height") || "0"; if (ae.getAttribute("class")) { ai.styleclass = ae.getAttribute("class") } if (ae.getAttribute("align")) { ai.align = ae.getAttribute("align") } var ah = {}; var X = ae.getElementsByTagName("param"); var ac = X.length; for (var ad = 0; ad < ac; ad++) { if (X[ad].getAttribute("name").toLowerCase() != "movie") { ah[X[ad].getAttribute("name")] = X[ad].getAttribute("value") } } P(ai, ah, Y, ab) } else { p(ae); if (ab) { ab(aa) } } } } } else { w(Y, true); if (ab) { var Z = z(Y); if (Z && typeof Z.SetVariable != D) { aa.success = true; aa.ref = Z } ab(aa) } } } } } function z(aa) { var X = null; var Y = c(aa); if (Y && Y.nodeName == "OBJECT") { if (typeof Y.SetVariable != D) { X = Y } else { var Z = Y.getElementsByTagName(r)[0]; if (Z) { X = Z } } } return X } function A() { return !a && F("6.0.65") && ( || M.mac) && !(M.wk && M.wk < 312) } function P(aa, ab, X, Z) { a = true; E = Z || null; B = { success: false, id: X }; var ae = c(X); if (ae) { if (ae.nodeName == "OBJECT") { l = g(ae); Q = null } else { l = ae; Q = X } = R; if (typeof aa.width == D || (!/%$/.test(aa.width) && parseInt(aa.width, 10) < 310)) { aa.width = "310" } if (typeof aa.height == D || (!/%$/.test(aa.height) && parseInt(aa.height, 10) < 137)) { aa.height = "137" } j.title = j.title.slice(0, 47) + " - Flash Player Installation"; var ad = && ? "ActiveX" : "PlugIn", ac = "MMredirectURL=" + O.location.toString().replace(/&/g, "%26") + "&MMplayerType=" + ad + "&MMdoctitle=" + j.title; if (typeof ab.flashvars != D) { ab.flashvars += "&" + ac } else { ab.flashvars = ac } if ( && && ae.readyState != 4) { var Y = C("div"); X += "SWFObjectNew"; Y.setAttribute("id", X); ae.parentNode.insertBefore(Y, ae); = "none"; (function () { if (ae.readyState == 4) { ae.parentNode.removeChild(ae) } else { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10) } })() } u(aa, ab, X) } } function p(Y) { if ( && && Y.readyState != 4) { var X = C("div"); Y.parentNode.insertBefore(X, Y); X.parentNode.replaceChild(g(Y), X); = "none"; (function () { if (Y.readyState == 4) { Y.parentNode.removeChild(Y) } else { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10) } })() } else { Y.parentNode.replaceChild(g(Y), Y) } } function g(ab) { var aa = C("div"); if ( && { aa.innerHTML = ab.innerHTML } else { var Y = ab.getElementsByTagName(r)[0]; if (Y) { var ad = Y.childNodes; if (ad) { var X = ad.length; for (var Z = 0; Z < X; Z++) { if (!(ad[Z].nodeType == 1 && ad[Z].nodeName == "PARAM") && !(ad[Z].nodeType == 8)) { aa.appendChild(ad[Z].cloneNode(true)) } } } } } return aa } function u(ai, ag, Y) { var X, aa = c(Y); if (M.wk && M.wk < 312) { return X } if (aa) { if (typeof == D) { = Y } if ( && { var ah = ""; for (var ae in ai) { if (ai[ae] != Object.prototype[ae]) { if (ae.toLowerCase() == "data") { = ai[ae] } else { if (ae.toLowerCase() == "styleclass") { ah += ' class="' + ai[ae] + '"' } else { if (ae.toLowerCase() != "classid") { ah += " " + ae + '="' + ai[ae] + '"' } } } } } var af = ""; for (var ad in ag) { if (ag[ad] != Object.prototype[ad]) { af += '' } } aa.outerHTML = '" + af + ""; N[N.length] =; X = c( } else { var Z = C(r); Z.setAttribute("type", q); for (var ac in ai) { if (ai[ac] != Object.prototype[ac]) { if (ac.toLowerCase() == "styleclass") { Z.setAttribute("class", ai[ac]) } else { if (ac.toLowerCase() != "classid") { Z.setAttribute(ac, ai[ac]) } } } } for (var ab in ag) { if (ag[ab] != Object.prototype[ab] && ab.toLowerCase() != "movie") { e(Z, ab, ag[ab]) } } aa.parentNode.replaceChild(Z, aa); X = Z } } return X } function e(Z, X, Y) { var aa = C("param"); aa.setAttribute("name", X); aa.setAttribute("value", Y); Z.appendChild(aa) } function y(Y) { var X = c(Y); if (X && X.nodeName == "OBJECT") { if ( && { = "none"; (function () { if (X.readyState == 4) { b(Y) } else { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10) } })() } else { X.parentNode.removeChild(X) } } } function b(Z) { var Y = c(Z); if (Y) { for (var X in Y) { if (typeof Y[X] == "function") { Y[X] = null } } Y.parentNode.removeChild(Y) } } function c(Z) { var X = null; try { X = j.getElementById(Z) } catch (Y) { } return X } function C(X) { return j.createElement(X) } function i(Z, X, Y) { Z.attachEvent(X, Y); I[I.length] = [Z, X, Y] } function F(Z) { var Y = M.pv, X = Z.split("."); X[0] = parseInt(X[0], 10); X[1] = parseInt(X[1], 10) || 0; X[2] = parseInt(X[2], 10) || 0; return (Y[0] > X[0] || (Y[0] == X[0] && Y[1] > X[1]) || (Y[0] == X[0] && Y[1] == X[1] && Y[2] >= X[2])) ? true : false } function v(ac, Y, ad, ab) { if ( && M.mac) { return } var aa = j.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; if (!aa) { return } var X = (ad && typeof ad == "string") ? ad : "screen"; if (ab) { n = null; G = null } if (!n || G != X) { var Z = C("style"); Z.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); Z.setAttribute("media", X); n = aa.appendChild(Z); if ( && && typeof j.styleSheets != D && j.styleSheets.length > 0) { n = j.styleSheets[j.styleSheets.length - 1] } G = X } if ( && { if (n && typeof n.addRule == r) { n.addRule(ac, Y) } } else { if (n && typeof j.createTextNode != D) { n.appendChild(j.createTextNode(ac + " {" + Y + "}")) } } } function w(Z, X) { if (!m) { return } var Y = X ? "visible" : "hidden"; if (J && c(Z)) { c(Z).style.visibility = Y } else { v("#" + Z, "visibility:" + Y) } } function L(Y) { var Z = /[\\\"<>\.;]/; var X = Z.exec(Y) != null; return X && typeof encodeURIComponent != D ? encodeURIComponent(Y) : Y } var d = function () { if ( && { window.attachEvent("onunload", function () { var ac = I.length; for (var ab = 0; ab < ac; ab++) { I[ab][0].detachEvent(I[ab][1], I[ab][2]) } var Z = N.length; for (var aa = 0; aa < Z; aa++) { y(N[aa]) } for (var Y in M) { M[Y] = null } M = null; for (var X in swfobject) { swfobject[X] = null } swfobject = null }) } } (); return { registerObject: function (ab, X, aa, Z) { if (M.w3 && ab && X) { var Y = {}; = ab; Y.swfVersion = X; Y.expressInstall = aa; Y.callbackFn = Z; o[o.length] = Y; w(ab, false) } else { if (Z) { Z({ success: false, id: ab }) } } }, getObjectById: function (X) { if (M.w3) { return z(X) } }, embedSWF: function (ab, ah, ae, ag, Y, aa, Z, ad, af, ac) { var X = { success: false, id: ah }; if (M.w3 && !(M.wk && M.wk < 312) && ab && ah && ae && ag && Y) { w(ah, false); K(function () { ae += ""; ag += ""; var aj = {}; if (af && typeof af === r) { for (var al in af) { aj[al] = af[al] } } = ab; aj.width = ae; aj.height = ag; var am = {}; if (ad && typeof ad === r) { for (var ak in ad) { am[ak] = ad[ak] } } if (Z && typeof Z === r) { for (var ai in Z) { if (typeof am.flashvars != D) { am.flashvars += "&" + ai + "=" + Z[ai] } else { am.flashvars = ai + "=" + Z[ai] } } } if (F(Y)) { var an = u(aj, am, ah); if ( == ah) { w(ah, true) } X.success = true; X.ref = an } else { if (aa && A()) { = aa; P(aj, am, ah, ac); return } else { w(ah, true) } } if (ac) { ac(X) } }) } else { if (ac) { ac(X) } } }, switchOffAutoHideShow: function () { m = false }, ua: M, getFlashPlayerVersion: function () { return { major: M.pv[0], minor: M.pv[1], release: M.pv[2] } }, hasFlashPlayerVersion: F, createSWF: function (Z, Y, X) { if (M.w3) { return u(Z, Y, X) } else { return undefined } }, showExpressInstall: function (Z, aa, X, Y) { if (M.w3 && A()) { P(Z, aa, X, Y) } }, removeSWF: function (X) { if (M.w3) { y(X) } }, createCSS: function (aa, Z, Y, X) { if (M.w3) { v(aa, Z, Y, X) } }, addDomLoadEvent: K, addLoadEvent: s, getQueryParamValue: function (aa) { var Z = || j.location.hash; if (Z) { if (/\?/.test(Z)) { Z = Z.split("?")[1] } if (aa == null) { return L(Z) } var Y = Z.split("&"); for (var X = 0; X < Y.length; X++) { if (Y[X].substring(0, Y[X].indexOf("=")) == aa) { return L(Y[X].substring((Y[X].indexOf("=") + 1))) } } } return "" }, expressInstallCallback: function () { if (a) { var X = c(R); if (X && l) { X.parentNode.replaceChild(l, X); if (Q) { w(Q, true); if ( && { = "block" } } if (E) { E(B) } } a = false } } } } (); swfobject.addDomLoadEvent(function () { if (typeof (SWFUpload.onload) === "function") {; } }); var SWFUpload; if (typeof (SWFUpload) === "function") { SWFUpload.queue = {}; SWFUpload.prototype.initSettings = (function (a) { return function (b) { if (typeof (a) === "function") {, b) } this.queueSettings = {}; this.queueSettings.queue_cancelled_flag = false; this.queueSettings.queue_upload_count = 0; this.queueSettings.user_upload_complete_handler = this.settings.upload_complete_handler; this.queueSettings.user_upload_start_handler = this.settings.upload_start_handler; this.settings.upload_complete_handler = SWFUpload.queue.uploadCompleteHandler; this.settings.upload_start_handler = SWFUpload.queue.uploadStartHandler; this.settings.queue_complete_handler = b.queue_complete_handler || null } })(SWFUpload.prototype.initSettings); SWFUpload.prototype.startUpload = function (a) { this.queueSettings.queue_cancelled_flag = false; this.callFlash("StartUpload", [a]) }; SWFUpload.prototype.cancelQueue = function () { this.queueSettings.queue_cancelled_flag = true; this.stopUpload(); var a = this.getStats(); while (a.files_queued > 0) { this.cancelUpload(); a = this.getStats() } }; SWFUpload.queue.uploadStartHandler = function (a) { var b; if (typeof (this.queueSettings.user_upload_start_handler) === "function") { b =, a) } b = (b === false) ? false : true; this.queueSettings.queue_cancelled_flag = !b; return b }; SWFUpload.queue.uploadCompleteHandler = function (b) { var c = this.queueSettings.user_upload_complete_handler; var d; if (b.filestatus === SWFUpload.FILE_STATUS.COMPLETE) { this.queueSettings.queue_upload_count++ } if (typeof (c) === "function") { d = (, b) === false) ? false : true } else { if (b.filestatus === SWFUpload.FILE_STATUS.QUEUED) { d = false } else { d = true } } if (d) { var a = this.getStats(); if (a == undefined) { return; } if (a.files_queued > 0 && this.queueSettings.queue_cancelled_flag === false) { this.startUpload() } else { if (this.queueSettings.queue_cancelled_flag === false) { this.queueEvent("queue_complete_handler", [this.queueSettings.queue_upload_count]); this.queueSettings.queue_upload_count = 0 } else { this.queueSettings.queue_cancelled_flag = false; this.queueSettings.queue_upload_count = 0 } } } } }; // plugin var SWFUpload; if (typeof (SWFUpload) === "function") { SWFUpload.speed = {}; SWFUpload.prototype.initSettings = (function (a) { return function (b) { if (typeof (a) === "function") {, b) } this.ensureDefault = function (d, c) { this.settings[d] = (b[d] == undefined) ? c : b[d] }; this.fileSpeedStats = {}; this.speedSettings = {}; this.ensureDefault("moving_average_history_size", "10"); this.speedSettings.user_file_queued_handler = this.settings.file_queued_handler; this.speedSettings.user_file_queue_error_handler = this.settings.file_queue_error_handler; this.speedSettings.user_upload_start_handler = this.settings.upload_start_handler; this.speedSettings.user_upload_error_handler = this.settings.upload_error_handler; this.speedSettings.user_upload_progress_handler = this.settings.upload_progress_handler; this.speedSettings.user_upload_success_handler = this.settings.upload_success_handler; this.speedSettings.user_upload_complete_handler = this.settings.upload_complete_handler; this.settings.file_queued_handler = SWFUpload.speed.fileQueuedHandler; this.settings.file_queue_error_handler = SWFUpload.speed.fileQueueErrorHandler; this.settings.upload_start_handler = SWFUpload.speed.uploadStartHandler; this.settings.upload_error_handler = SWFUpload.speed.uploadErrorHandler; this.settings.upload_progress_handler = SWFUpload.speed.uploadProgressHandler; this.settings.upload_success_handler = SWFUpload.speed.uploadSuccessHandler; this.settings.upload_complete_handler = SWFUpload.speed.uploadCompleteHandler; delete this.ensureDefault } })(SWFUpload.prototype.initSettings); SWFUpload.speed.fileQueuedHandler = function (a) { if (typeof this.speedSettings.user_file_queued_handler === "function") { a = SWFUpload.speed.extendFile(a); return, a) } }; SWFUpload.speed.fileQueueErrorHandler = function (a, c, b) { if (typeof this.speedSettings.user_file_queue_error_handler === "function") { a = SWFUpload.speed.extendFile(a); return, a, c, b) } }; SWFUpload.speed.uploadStartHandler = function (a) { if (typeof this.speedSettings.user_upload_start_handler === "function") { a = SWFUpload.speed.extendFile(a, this.fileSpeedStats); return, a) } }; SWFUpload.speed.uploadErrorHandler = function (a, c, b) { a = SWFUpload.speed.extendFile(a, this.fileSpeedStats); SWFUpload.speed.removeTracking(a, this.fileSpeedStats); if (typeof this.speedSettings.user_upload_error_handler === "function") { return, a, c, b) } }; SWFUpload.speed.uploadProgressHandler = function (a, c, b) { this.updateTracking(a, c); a = SWFUpload.speed.extendFile(a, this.fileSpeedStats); if (typeof this.speedSettings.user_upload_progress_handler === "function") { return, a, c, b) } }; SWFUpload.speed.uploadSuccessHandler = function (b, a) { if (typeof this.speedSettings.user_upload_success_handler === "function") { b = SWFUpload.speed.extendFile(b, this.fileSpeedStats); return, b, a) } }; SWFUpload.speed.uploadCompleteHandler = function (a) { a = SWFUpload.speed.extendFile(a, this.fileSpeedStats); SWFUpload.speed.removeTracking(a, this.fileSpeedStats); if (typeof this.speedSettings.user_upload_complete_handler === "function") { return, a) } }; SWFUpload.speed.extendFile = function (b, a) { var c; if (!b) { return b } if (a) { c = a[] } if (c) { b.currentSpeed = c.currentSpeed; b.averageSpeed = c.averageSpeed; b.movingAverageSpeed = c.movingAverageSpeed; b.timeRemaining = c.timeRemaining; b.timeElapsed = c.timeElapsed; b.percentUploaded = c.percentUploaded; b.sizeUploaded = c.bytesUploaded } else { b.currentSpeed = 0; b.averageSpeed = 0; b.movingAverageSpeed = 0; b.timeRemaining = 0; b.timeElapsed = 0; b.percentUploaded = 0; b.sizeUploaded = 0 } return b }; SWFUpload.prototype.updateTracking = function (d, g) { var f = this.fileSpeedStats[]; if (!f) { this.fileSpeedStats[] = f = {} } g = g || f.bytesUploaded || 0; if (g < 0) { g = 0 } if (g > d.size) { g = d.size } var h = (new Date()).getTime(); if (!f.startTime) { f.startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); f.lastTime = f.startTime; f.currentSpeed = 0; f.averageSpeed = 0; f.movingAverageSpeed = 0; f.movingAverageHistory = []; f.timeRemaining = 0; f.timeElapsed = 0; f.percentUploaded = g / d.size; f.bytesUploaded = g } else { if (f.startTime > h) { this.debug("When backwards in time") } else { var c = (new Date()).getTime(); var e = f.lastTime; var b = c - e; var a = g - f.bytesUploaded; if (a === 0 || b === 0) { return f } f.lastTime = c; f.bytesUploaded = g; f.currentSpeed = (a * 8) / (b / 1000); f.averageSpeed = (f.bytesUploaded * 8) / ((c - f.startTime) / 1000); f.movingAverageHistory.push(f.currentSpeed); if (f.movingAverageHistory.length > this.settings.moving_average_history_size) { f.movingAverageHistory.shift() } f.movingAverageSpeed = SWFUpload.speed.calculateMovingAverage(f.movingAverageHistory); f.timeRemaining = (d.size - f.bytesUploaded) * 8 / f.movingAverageSpeed; f.timeElapsed = (c - f.startTime) / 1000; f.percentUploaded = (f.bytesUploaded / d.size * 100) } } return f }; SWFUpload.speed.removeTracking = function (c, a) { try { a[] = null; delete a[] } catch (b) { } }; SWFUpload.speed.formatUnits = function (g, c, b, h) { var d, f, a, k; if (g === 0) { return "0 " + b[b.length - 1] } if (h) { f = g; k = b.length >= c.length ? b[c.length - 1] : ""; for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++) { if (g >= c[d]) { f = (g / c[d]).toFixed(2); k = b.length >= d ? " " + b[d] : ""; break } } return f + k } else { var e = []; var j = g; for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++) { a = c[d]; k = b.length > d ? " " + b[d] : ""; f = j / a; if (d < c.length - 1) { f = Math.floor(f) } else { f = f.toFixed(2) } if (f > 0) { j = j % a; e.push(f + k) } } return e.join(" ") } }; SWFUpload.speed.formatBPS = function (b) { var c = [1073741824, 1048576, 1024, 1], a = ["Gbps", "Mbps", "Kbps", "bps"]; return SWFUpload.speed.formatUnits(b, c, a, true) }; SWFUpload.speed.formatTime = function (c) { var a = [86400, 3600, 60, 1], b = ["d", "h", "m", "s"]; return SWFUpload.speed.formatUnits(c, a, b, false) }; SWFUpload.speed.formatBytes = function (c) { var b = [1073741824, 1048576, 1024, 1], a = ["GB", "MB", "KB", "bytes"]; return SWFUpload.speed.formatUnits(c, b, a, true) }; SWFUpload.speed.formatPercent = function (a) { return a.toFixed(2) + " %" }; SWFUpload.speed.calculateMovingAverage = function (h) { var j = [], l, g = 0, m = 0, e = 0, b = 0, d = 0; var f; var c = 0, k = 0; l = h.length; if (l >= 8) { for (f = 0; f < l; f++) { j[f] = h[f]; g += j[f] } m = g / l; for (f = 0; f < l; f++) { e += Math.pow((j[f] - m), 2) } b = e / l; d = Math.sqrt(b); for (f = 0; f < l; f++) { j[f] = (j[f] - m) / d } var a = 2; for (f = 0; f < l; f++) { if (j[f] <= a && j[f] >= -a) { k++; c += h[f] } } } else { k = l; for (f = 0; f < l; f++) { c += h[f] } } return c / k } };